Friday, March 14, 2008

Brown Rice & Corn

Like the way Europeans looked until recently upon the flours used to make brown breads, brown rice is usually regarded as poor-man's food in Asia because it has not been milled. That's a shame because the bran layer that is removed in the milling and polishing process to make white rice is actually the richest part of the grain, containing much of its fibre, essential fatty acids, magnesium, iron, and vitamins B1 and B3.

Fortunately brown rice is just as easy to cook with as white varieties, although it must be soaked before cooking and takes longer to absorb water during cooking. It also has a pleasant and slight nutty taste on its own, and is as adaptable to most of the different seasonings and vegetables that we like to use with rice.

This tasty brown rice dish is a wonderful accompaniment to almost any everyday kind of meal, and especially because it's so very simple to make.
Brown rice & corn

1 cup brown rice
1 1/2 cups water
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed or minced
1/2 cup frozen corn
2 jalapeƱo peppers, seeded and chopped
1 large tomato, coarsely chopped
1/2 tablespoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Rinse the brown rice under cold running water and soak overnight in 1 1/2 cups of water in a covered bowl.

Drain the rice over a medium saucepan and set the rice aside. Bring the soaking liquid in the saucepan to a boil over high heat. As the water heats, stir in the onion, garlic, corn, jalapeƱos, tomato and oregano.

As soon as the saucepan comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low, stir in the salt and rice, and cover. Simmer for 30-40 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed and the rice is tender.

Fluff with a fork and serve. Serves 4.

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