Monday, May 7, 2007

Staple Corner: Homemade Pasta Sauce

When I first started cooking, I relied heavily on preprepared tomato sauces for my dishes. Since I learned how to make my own from fresh tomatoes, I never purchase tomato sauce anymore. It is relatively easy to make, and you can control the consistency and seasonings. I have a preference for thick sauces, and so when I saw this recipe over at Dalitoy, I adapted it somewhat for a pasta dish I plan on making. The key to a nice thick sauce is to simmer the tomatoes over medium-low heat, uncovered, for about 30 - 40 minutes.
Tomato Sauce with Sun-dried Tomatoes

1 tablespoon of olive oil
5 - 6 large tomatoes, diced
10 - 12 sun dried tomatoes
1/4 cup of robust red wine (optional)
1 large onion, diced
1 small carrot, diced
3-4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 teaspoon red chili flakes
2 - 3 hot chilies or jalapeno peppers (optional, but recommended)

Soak the sun dried tomatoes in a small bowl in enough warm water to cover the tomatoes, for 15 - 30 minutes. Cut the sun dried tomatoes into bits and set aside. Reserve the soaking liquid.

Heat the olive oil in a medium large pot. Add the onions, garlic and carrot and stir and fry for about 5 minutes. Add the hot peppers and chili flakes and saute for a minute or two. Add the dried and fresh tomatoes and red wine. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer over medium low heat until the liquid is reduced and the sauce thickens - about 30 - 40 minutes. If required, add some of the reserved liquid used for soaking the sun-dried tomatoes.

Remove from the heat and add salt to taste. Transfer the sauce to a blender - or use an electric hand blender - and process until nice and chunky.
Makes approximately 5 cups.

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